
1991 He created an original for Champagne Mumm depicting the Admiral’s Cup.
A merchandising line was created of this image.
He was nominated official artist of the America’s Cup for the fifth consecutive time. With Renault, France, he started a close relationship in making several originals for their sponsored events like Formula 1. Eurodisneyland and Winter Olympics in Albertville.
Many new graphics depicting cities, flowers and landscapes were created.

1992 On request from the Federation Française de la Voile Franco made three originals. “Olympics in Barcelona ‘92-FFV” was donated to the Red Cross in Monaco to be auctioned for beneficial purposes.
Bill Koch, skipper of the winning boat of the America’s Cup ’92 bought the painting “Il Sogno di America 3” in San Diego, California.
In Paris Franco presented his painting “Formula 1” to Nigel Mansell, the World-champion of the Formula 1 for the house Williams-Renault.

1993 At his exhibition at the Monte Carlo Country Club during the “Volvo Montecarlo Open” Franco had the honor of meeting SAS Prince Albert of Monaco.
He created his first golf paintings.
His original “L’Infiorata” he was used as the official image for the Corpus Domini in Genzano di Roma.

1994 Commissioned by Israeli Premier Rabin and inspired by the concert of Gilbert Levine and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, to commemorate the 50 years of the end of the holocaust Franco created his “Never More Holocaust”. A painting which expresses the agony of the Jews killed by the terrible Nazis. The painting was donated by Otto Galambos to His Holiness The Pope, who expressed his approval directly to the painter.
Various exhibitions at the Banca d’Italia in Rome, at San Domenico Palace Hotel in Taormina, Sicily and in Sweden with Gallery Mowestor.

1995 Franco illustrated Angelo Tajani’s book cover, “Sulle Orme della Carta”. The whole project was launched at the library Sormani, in Milan. At the same time he created a new painting to celebrate the 100 Years of the Kiel Channel, in Northern Germany. Franco held various exhibitions in Northern Europe. The most important one took place in Hamburg, at the villa of his publisher, Harvey Drager.
In this exhibition Costa’s first portraits were presented. He also created two posters for the Rome Opera, including the Ballet dedicated to Fellini.
“Arte Vita Vino 1” a polyptic encompassing Costa’s vision of art and life, was shown at the Italian Institute of Culture in Hamburg.

1996 Creation of a new logo for the Italian Presidency of the European Union, presented at “Altes Museum” in Berlin. Creation for the United Nations-FAO project “Food for All” of a new logo, shown for the first time during the concert at the Colosseum in Rome.
Presentation of the painting “Oh! Manhattan! twenty years later” in New York for the Faany exhibition at Hotel Plaza on behalf of Mrs. Hillary Clinton’s Foundation “Fight against women’s breast cancer”.

1997 Exhibitions in Gothenburg’s new area Eriksberg, Hisingen; collaboration of Hotel 11 and Jorgen Gabrielson. New project for Kieler Woche with the newspaper Kieler Nachrichten “Tryptic of Schleswig Holstein”. In Carlshamn, Sweden, exhibition during Baltic Festival, to improve the condition of the sea.
Beginning of collaboration for 1997-98 Whitbread Round the World Race.
Different exhibitions in Monaco-Montecarlo for the celebration of the Grimaldi’s family leadership with the Foundation Ra.Mo.Ge.
“Food for All” followed the 1996 collaboration together with FAO, United Nations project to support 800 million people starving in the world. Presentation with “Yacht Magazine” and Beneteau at Hamburg Boat Show with a boat with his logo “Food for All” on it.
Exhibition in Bergen, Norway. In August, creation of a new painting to commemorate Magna Plaza Center in Amsterdam, created by Lars Erik Magnusson in 1992, from the old Central Post Offices.
His foundation “Usedom Feelings” was created in September, in Germany.
Start of a collaboration with Kiel University “Christian Allbrecht” and Prof. Verreet and Museum Molfsee for Hannover “Expo 2000” Project.
Creation of a permanent exhibition of his work together with Robert E. Heilbron at Harbour View Trading Building, Scheveningen, Holland.
In a very special model of a farm in Grambow, exhibition with Gunther Martin and Juliane Loesch. Official connection with Christian Allbrecht University’s Institute of Phytopatology, and close relation also with FAO to improve human health conditions.

1998 The most important event of the year for Franco is the presentation of his book “Franco Costa-Arte Vita”. The world premiere of this autobiographic work took place in the “Kieler Nachrichten” journal.

On november 4th in Kiel at Provinzial Versicherungen insurance company - opening of the “Franco Costa-Arte Vita” exhibition.

1999 In April, Gallery Grafioteket in the Old Town of Stockholm.
Meeting with Goran Persson, Swedish Prime Minister at Moderna Museet in Stockholm: “Never More Holocaust” graphic is hanging in Rosen Bad and Karolinska Institutet for the project helping Jewish families to get back their money stolen by banks all over the world.
1st May: Opening ceremony of the EXPO Project to ensure world nutrition at Museum Open Air of Molfsee, Kiel, Germany. Franco meets Justus Frans (common friend) with Leonard Bernstein and his Orchestra (20 years later).

20th May opening of exhibition with Emden Zeitung at Gerhard publishing House in Emden in an action to support children in Kosovo.
Kunstpunkt Gallery in Emden.

Exhibitions in June :
3rd-4th Oslo, Norway - Aker Brygge
4th Farder Sailing Event
5th Horten, Norway
12th Aurich Kunsthalle, Germany
14th Townhall Foyer of Den Haag, Netherlands with Scheveningen Poster
19th Kieler Yacht Club
20th Plön, Gallery Am See, Germany
26th Scheveningen, Postergallery, Netherlands

Creation of a web site in Internet: with the Kreaton in Emden, Germany.

July: exhibition in Monterosso Calabro(Vibo-Valenzia) at the Biennale di Arte Calabra.

Interview in Genzano di Roma with Sereno Variabile, RAI 2.

November: Beginning of the project “Peace, Happiness and Love” with Nelson Mandela, South Africa, Princess Irina Von Sachsen (Germany), Keyla Guilarte Gonzales (Cuba), Lovern Galloway (Jamaica), and Patrice Glogg (Switzerland).

December: 5 Exhibition at BMW in Oldenburg, Germany
13 Exhibition at Gallery Art & Smart in Zurich, Switzerland

Beginning of the project “2000 children for the year 2000”. On the 17th of December first international link by TV, Internet and Radio of this project between Germany and Italy. The town of Emden represented Germany with a collaboration between the MalSchule, the FachHocheSchule and the Berufsbildende Schulen with 200 children working together and the town of Genzano di Roma with the “Scuola dell’Infanzia Truzzi” with Carlotta, my daughter and 198 other children, divided in eight workshops, coordinated by Teresa Mitilino, all working together on their artworks with different techniques. His sons, Sebastian and Sammy took care of the Internet link, and Mr. Piero Marchetti of the video communication.
